Bow hunting is an activity that has garnered a lot of attention in recent years. Its popularity has risen amongst novices and experienced hunters alike. There is something intriguing and satisfying about using a primitive weapon to hunt for game. While using larger and more powerful weapons has a time and place, many find the use of bows and arrows to be more interesting. Here are seven amazing secrets of the country’s best bow hunters.

1. Use Mock Scrapes

Bucks scrape around their territory to signal to other male deer that the area is taken. Seeing another male’s scrapes would encourage a buck to go searching for the trespasser. Using mock scrapes as a hunter is a great way to encourage bucks to leave their safe havens and enter into your line of sight. These scrapes can be made with a normal shovel and synthetic bull urine.

2. Install Trail Cameras

For bowhunters who operate on their own land, installing trail cameras can be a great way to increase your success rate. Deer, along with other woodland animals, are creatures of habit. Game trails, nests and feeding grounds all tend to be used fairly consistently. Trail cameras can help alert to the location of these areas.

3. Seasonal Food Sources

Animals will rely on different food sources throughout the year as seasons dictate what is available. Knowing the different food sources of bucks for each season can help bowhunters identify the location of their prey. For example, acorns are a favorite of bucks during the fall seasons while corn and beans are popular during the spring months.

4. Control Your Scent

Deer cannot see very well. This is true for many other popular animals hunted by bow enthusiasts. These animals must rely on their sense of smell to remain alert of potential danger. While most bowhunters know about camouflage, many people still neglect the importance of covering up their human scent.

5. No Trick Shots

Any hunting rifle will be more powerful than an arrow. That is the reality of hunting with bows. When an animal is still behind cover or a great distance away, a rifle may have no problem making a clean kill. Bow hunters will have to be more patient for finding the perfect shot.

6. Know the Anatomy

Every bowhunter has a specific animal targeted for each hunting trip. This animal will decide the type of bow used, camouflage and scent required and the pattern of tracks utilized. Knowing the anatomy of the target animal is imperative when choosing a target. Every animal has an ideal spot at which hunters should aim for the most effective and cleanest kill.

7. Practice the Hunt

There is no point in practicing bow skills in different scenarios than one would hunt. Even the most accurate shooter would be caught off guard when placed in a hunting scenario without proper practice. Bow hunters should try to replicate their hunting scenario when practicing. This will yield the best carryover from practice to actual hunting.

Bow hunting is a rewarding experience that transforms many people into enthusiasts. Even avid rifle hunters are often surprised by how enjoyable the experience can be. These seven tips from some of the best bowhunters in the country can help anyone improve their bowhunting game.